This campaign started in July with no real expectations about where it might lead but last Thursday we reached the $93K target. The gratitude Maara and I feel is indescribable. The love and support shown to us has bubbled over countless times often resulting in the challenges of breast cancer being swamped in the deluge.
There are so many, many acknowledgments to be made but it would be a mammoth task to post them all on this blog. I hope you will forgive me for rolling you into a blanket message of thanks. All of you have opened your hearts to us and put some of your own personal plans and challenges aside to help Maara and me. Fa’afetai tele lava for doing that and may God bless each one of you richly.
I cannot go by without saying something about a couple of people. I am mindful that there have been other people who have been involved in a significant way but I’m confident they support me in a special acknowledgement of these two individuals. Firstly, there’s the Cake Maker and her family. It was her determination to help Maara and me that saw her start the blog and relentlessly drive the fundraising to its successful end. She and her family have made some huge personal sacrifices to ensure this fundraising achieves its objective. Thank you Cake Maker, we believe that through your friendship and support, the odds of us beating this disease have increased tenfold. You have given so much and yet asked for nothing in return. We are eternally grateful and indebted to you and your family!!!!
Secondly, there is Bill Mathews who has poured energy and resources into this campaign as if Maara was his own daughter. He energised people into action so that the campaign got a healthy boost. Thank you very, very much Bill.
What a true blessing it is to have people like the Cake Maker and Bill in your corner when you’re fighting an opponent like cancer.
From here Maara and I continue the treatment programme which should be completed by June /July 2008. Please uphold us in your thoughts and prayers. We have a faithful God who has deliberately moved people in our path to lead us through this ordeal. God has moulded our spirits over time so that we can deal with this situation with strength and hope.
Thanks again to all of you.
Love always